i think i will just post some more moives that i like.
this is a good one i got it for christmas last year. it is really sad,i cry alot when i watch it.well i am pretty sure that you have all seen it so you know what i am talking about.
This is another one of my favorites!I got it for christmas and I love it.
I love the song on it "Where are you Christmas".

this is one of the best movies i have ever seen.you should all watch it,it is so funny and just great!
i am so bored. what to post,any ideas? but maybe i shoulden't ask that,what ever i don't care.
so you want me to post something new,well i have some stuff to say;first of all nothing,[2] having a blog is harder than you think,[3]it has helped me type faster,[4] i'm finding out stuff about people that i didn't know [5]i love XBOX[well i already know that but it is something to say] [6]i can't think of anymore right now.well that was fun!
this is my new post, "Hi"!!!!!!!!!!!
Act naturally
Found missing
resident alien
Good grief
Same difference
Almost exactly
Legally drunk
Airline food
Alone together
Butt head
Clearly misunderstood
Silent scream
Pretty ugly.