well since pretty much everybody was posting pictures of cars i thought that i would post some too then. their not pink and green or orange but they are pretty cool.
i don't have a favorite but i do like this one alot.
WOW!you people are in good moods today i like it.lol Sam:when you turn 16:) Anymouse:thank you Cassi:yes there are lots. Mike:thats a good thing. Kayla:thats good news. Abby:thanks!
I am a Christian teen and love being one.
i like: talking, singing, watching movies, playing xbox live, hanging out with friends, going to school is kinda fun, bugging my three older siblings is fun, my birthdate is 9-27-91
Sweeeet, when can i get one.
Mustangs are prettymuch the best cars ever! Good choice. :)
I'm not a huge fan of mustangs, but I can apreciate other peoples likes.
you are learning....
very generous of you mikey.(me rolling my eyes)
Amanda: I like the last one best too.
sweeeet!! totally!!:) I like so totally agree w/ kake
WOW!you people are in good moods today i like it.lol
Sam:when you turn 16:)
Anymouse:thank you
Cassi:yes there are lots.
Mike:thats a good thing.
Kayla:thats good news.
that was deeeeeep manna
thanks sam:)
this is heidi btw, i have posted on here before haven't i??
hey!no you haven't commented before.are you coming again soon?
Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
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