King Ludwig II was a reclusive king who liked to left alone -- so much so, that he designed an entire palace around the concept of minimizing contact with other people.
That palace, and its lovely grounds, would be isolated among the quiet hills and valleys several kilometers from the nearest town(Oberammergau)It is one of the most beautiful attractions in Bavaria.
Linderhof is a sprawling complex of open fields and forest set on rolling hillsides. Scattered among it are a number of small landmarks, with the tiny Linderhof palace itself positioned in the center with a huge fountain and special gardens on all sides.
The palace and the spread of fountains and temples obverse to it are just the starting point.
Love it :)
that is LITTLE?????:) O.K. odd
yea i know it is SO big.i think it is one of the most beautiful palaces i have ever seen.
it is!
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I want to go to Europe so bad!
I know it so sweet!
my head feels like a bowling ball,it feels so heavy.i am so sick!like my temp. is 102 and my head hurts if it is higher the the rest of me.yea,pretty much.
O.K. mana (after you are over your cold of couse)................NEW POST!!!!!
I feel for you manda!:(
Manda you really need to POST ,but no pressure!
O yea really:O
:O to you to!
pretty much!
What a great site, how do you build such a cool site, its excellent.
Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.
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