Here is a new post with cute pic's
I have had these pic's for a very long time so I thought that I should post them.
This Cow pretty much has mad cow disease, don't you think? I think this is the cutest moose that I have ever seen.
pretty much disturbing
no their so cute :)
creepin creepy
Thanks Sam :) ;)
Yes the moose the cutest I've ever seen.
If I was a moose then that would be true.
I'm cute...
I am no longer purple.
You'll always be purple. forever.
they are !@#$#%%^&**&^$@$%@#!'s mana ignore them!:)
She's black now guy's
you guys are so weird, i dont bother trying to understand anymore
arnt grapefruits like pink and orange (not referring to gamer profile colors)?
ur funny manduh. but its all good. ur dads funny. u guyz didnt get a chance to come down. havent met u yet. the wedding wuz awesome. smoked a 5 dolla cigar and didnt get any port. it was a '92 too. old port. the car that we got them to ride in was a 1965 Ford Galaxie convertible. it wuz everthin i wanted. this is kinda sentimantel. LOL im a dork sometimes
I wish I had some port :O LOL jk
Why do you think me and my Dad are funny? What did we do?
not :D it is 8*(
See i'm laughing so much i'm crying!!!
:*( 8*( :*( 8*(
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