i was just thinking of Anne-Marie and thought that i should post some pics of New Zealand.
I know "there just cows"right?Wrong they are New Zealand cows,sweet!
Ilive to go there and visit some time but i doubt that will happen any time soon:(
I was just thinking that I should ask her to get a blog,maybe.
middle earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay!
and whats with everyone and the cows all of a sudden?
Okaaaay i seriously think cas needs to lay off the Lord of of the rings stuff!!!!!!!!!:)
P.S. Pwetty pictures
Oh and cas there is nothing wrong w/ cows okay bacause w/ out cows there would not be: milk,yogurt,ice cream, Absolutly Adorable baby calfies.........and so on!!!!!!!!!!so there:)
adorable calfs?you are alittle weird there gabbers,sorry:)
it is okay to talk about LOTR.
YES they are cute!!!!..........................except when they bite you
Crazzzy. ;)
I know Ain't it great!!!!!!!!
o.k.it was nice but now we need a NEW POST!!!!!!:)
Abby i posted like four posts in like four days i DON'T need a new post.
Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.
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