Like the best post ever :O
Well here it is, the new post.Chris Bryan is one of my hero's :)
In the fall of 2003, Chris Bryan began the process of creating a wearable MC suit.
On November 12, all most a year later,Chris was completely finished. A full Master Chief suit... totally homemade, and totally professional-looking!

May 5, 2005: Oops...We thought he was done. Nope! Last night, we got a picture of his Halo 2-style SMGs. SWEET!
Well that some of the many pics that I found so enjoy the best post ever :D
LOL, It doesn't get much better than this :)
I want one so I can look just like Master Chief :P
ahhhhhhh that's so cool
:D I am sooooooooooo happy you like it, but MC don't you already have one, the real one :)
Ha ha! the peices are coming together! He isn't the real master chief, or he wouldn't need one of those suits.
other than the shoulders needing to be a bit bulkier, it looks really real. is he selling them?
I don't think so Cassi but I am not sure.
Mike: It is not funny maybe he just want's to get another one for someone else.Or he is just saying that to hide his identity :)
Okay I'm not a Halo fan but that is pretty cool.
I guess I should stop nagging you before I destroy you're fantsy and make you fall apart from the inside out. Cause that would mean time in the sponge padded room.
Whatever >:(
cause that would show his identity duh do you know nothing?
THis post is pretty awesome/sweet for halo, manda!!! :D
Thanks EM :D
So what of it?
lol, manda i love it when you say that!
Thanks Em :)
Your welcome!
Trav like your comment jerm-boy.Jerm I think you have cooty's!
The bad one's.
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