
Earliest date known is 1000.
Earliest family name,it was built by Franconian Palatine Counts.
Cochem is probably the finest looking castle and scene directly on the banks of the Mosel river. The castle enjoys a commanding view over the Mosel and the town of Cochem. However even with the commanding view and the steep access to the castle history has not been kind to the original. It was siezed by the German emperor in 1151 and in 1294 was mortgaged to the archbishop of Trier.
The square tower visible at the center of the castle is the keep that served as a last gasp refuge for its residents when the battle created a serious threat of breach by the enemy. This did in fact happen in 1689 when King Louis XIV of France had the castle totally destroyed. It remained a ruin for about 200 years.
It was completely rebuilt by a Berlin merchant, Louise Ravene, according to the original plans. So, while the structure may not be the original, the plans are true to the original. It was sold by force to the German government in 1942 and since 1978 has been the property of the town of Cochem.
I hope you all find this as interesting as i do.I love history so that is what i think i will be posting about for awhile:)
very interesting:P
ok, i didn't know u liked history so much
EUROPE!!!!! HISTORY!!!! LIKE, MY TWO MOST FAV THINGS EVER!!! well, xbox and precious is pretty close too....gonna havta think bout this fer a while...
yea,i love history!My Dad and i are going to go to Europe and Greece and Rome and everywhere,lol.
We want to go see castles and the catacombs in Rome and stuff,that would be fun!At least that is what we want to do, but i doubt that that will happen any time soon:(
You should go, I think it might make you happy, and I know how much you like that. Although I still butterflies are still a esential part of a pretty peaceful and happy picture.
manna, u are a dreamer:)
maybe you should post something about butterflies Mike, you know, since you seem to like them so much.
P.S. mikeyisbutterflycrazy.
that is soooo cute mike you love fluttybos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (sorry that is what brandy used to call them):):)!!!!
P.S.I love your post mana!!!:)
yea i would love to go:]
Sam i know i am a dreamer i dream every night,it can get pretty crazy though:[
i an glad you think that it is cool to jerm:D
Manda i'd Love to go with you!
*if you every went*
:) :D :} :] :>
really?i thought that you hated history.
yea so!
well,why would you want to go then?
Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.
Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.
Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.
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