Monday, August 28, 2006

Well whatever

I am: I am going to be 15 in one day less than a month :), A girl with blonde hair, xbox player, weird but a good wierd and a lot more...

I miss: Anne, Aimee, Kayla, Trav, Cassi, Josh,Peter, my xbox, and a few other's...

I want: hot chocolate, Kayla to come home soon, some other things...

I have: awesome friend's, great skills ( burn your face jerm), a wonderful xbox, a wonderful family, a pink and white gold ring from my Dad, a little yellow fuzzy ducky, I could go on for a long time....

I hate: COYOTES, spider's, sickening people...

I fear: COYOTES, spiders, braking things, scary people...

I play: Xbox, games, soccer, volleyball, with my little sister and brother, music to relax...

I never: Died, milked a cow by hand, bought a tv...

I hear: Em laughing and insulting me, the computer making weird noises

I care: About my Family, my friends, some other things...

I smile: alot....., at some people

I wonder: Why I am not taller, why my hair is still not it's normal color, why I can't go sky diving tomorrow...

I poke: Some people, cows, pokeable things....

I love: God, my family, my friends, some things...

I mess up: my hair, my room, some people's lives I think...

I think: alot, about people and things

I always: breath...I can't think my anything else I do all of the time

I am not: A freak, I am not 16 or 17 or alot of other things

I wish:For a black and green 2006 mustang or it can be just black or just orange, I could sing in front of people without being so scared, I wish I had some hot chocolate, more flip-flops...I could go on for a long time...I can't: stand coyotes, handle alot of thing's, jump 7 ft high, stand thing's or people that smell bad, fly :(

I write: some songs, poems, on things, in my diary.

I lose: my rings sometimes, some would say I lost my mind...but it's not true if you were wondering.

I smell: good Em said :), my ice cream, I have a very sentative nose so I smell alot of things...not always a good thing :(

I should: learn to dance, be taller, learn to play the electric guitar and the drum's, learn to sing in front of people, play Xbox more, go to bed soon...but that won't happen if Em is here making me laugh all the time :)

I dance: to awesome music and on camera but that is for very few people to see :P

I sing: alot...and I love doing it.

I laugh: All the time! at pretty much everything

I cry: If I laugh to hard, and sometimes if I am stessed or having a hard time.

I talk: Alot, Em just said "No one can get me to shut up" :P


At 5:48 PM, August 28, 2006, Blogger ~Em~ said...

Manda, playing the drums is MY life long dream you always/only wanted to play the guitar! >:(

At 7:25 PM, August 28, 2006, Blogger amanda said...

no I have wanted to play the drum's for along time I just want to play the guitar more.

At 12:49 PM, August 29, 2006, Blogger amanda said...

Whatever jerm...think what you want but I know a bunch of people who will say different.

At 2:31 PM, August 29, 2006, Blogger ~Em~ said...

Well, i always wanted to play the drums all my life, and you haven't, you're just being mean to me!

At 3:17 PM, August 29, 2006, Blogger amanda said...

Jerm you don't have "great" skills, but you do have some skills.And yes I don't have some of the same skills that you have, but I have some skills that you don't...I do have skills.

At 10:45 AM, August 30, 2006, Blogger amanda said...

sure...and why am I a little girl? whatever I don't even care.
I have skills and I can prove it: Sam and I were at Oma's last night and Jerm came :(
Well we started playing "idiot" (the card game) and I made jerm so mad because I kept beating him.And he like stold something of mine that I will get back!Anyway I beat him and that means that I do have some skill.Jerm you are so in trouble for that by the way...

At 6:46 PM, August 30, 2006, Blogger ~Em~ said...

What was it? Sunglasses? :)

At 12:09 PM, August 31, 2006, Blogger ~*!*~Abby~*!*~ said...


At 3:45 PM, August 31, 2006, Blogger coolnclever said...

Yea well me and manna vs you two in Halo would own you guy's... that's supossed to be a guy thing. Well us GIRLS can do it better than you GUYS :P proof that girls are better than guy's. BURN UR FACE!!!!!!!


At 5:20 PM, August 31, 2006, Blogger ~Em~ said...

Hi abby! :D

At 5:42 PM, August 31, 2006, Blogger amanda said...

We could beat you boys at nerds.

Does Dan even know how to play?

At 6:10 PM, August 31, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yae, ya sure are a nerd!!!

jk :p

At 9:07 PM, August 31, 2006, Blogger ~Em~ said...

What of it?

At 2:10 AM, September 01, 2006, Blogger coolnclever said...

manna why did you put that's as your profile pic?

At 10:14 AM, September 01, 2006, Blogger amanda said...

because I like you not like it? because if you don't then I will take it off...just tell me :)

At 12:12 PM, September 01, 2006, Blogger ~*!*~Abby~*!*~ said...

I think it is a great pic manda!!:)

At 12:49 PM, September 01, 2006, Blogger ~Em~ said...

I'm pretty sure manda know what the word work means. :)

At 10:43 PM, September 01, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like, TOTTALY!!!

At 10:40 AM, September 02, 2006, Blogger amanda said...

Thanks Em :) You would know you call me a workaholic :O but really I don't know if I am because Kayla and Britt said I am too but I don't beleive them.

Jerm I beat you one on one...and I really don't play that much.Well maybe to you I do because you really don't play very often but to ALOT of other people I don't.

At 11:22 AM, September 02, 2006, Blogger ~*!*~Abby~*!*~ said...

I know A GREAT SKILL THAT YOU HAVE AND NOOOOBODY HAS !!!.............. have great popcan kiss making skills!!:) burn your face jermball!!:)

At 2:26 PM, September 02, 2006, Blogger amanda said...

O yea...thanks Abby :) :D

At 8:40 PM, September 02, 2006, Blogger ~Em~ said...

yea pretty much, she has a whole thing full of them! :0

At 4:42 PM, September 03, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kiki you could never beat me at halo even if you tried.

At 9:18 PM, September 03, 2006, Blogger ~Em~ said...

That's a burn! LoL

At 9:50 PM, September 03, 2006, Blogger coolnclever said...

oh yea

At 9:30 PM, September 04, 2006, Blogger ~Em~ said...

That was a pretty good burn! :D


At 8:19 PM, September 05, 2006, Blogger coolnclever said...

how come you get so many comment's? :(*

At 2:24 PM, September 06, 2006, Blogger ~*!*~Abby~*!*~ said...

shut it Jermball!!>:{

At 8:11 PM, September 06, 2006, Blogger ~Em~ said...

Jeremy, you're just jealous!

At 11:27 PM, September 06, 2006, Blogger coolnclever said...


At 12:25 PM, September 07, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

whatever I am not even going to try anymore...

At 12:35 PM, September 08, 2006, Blogger amanda said...

who is joe?

At 2:23 PM, September 09, 2006, Blogger amanda said...

O and I am sure that I have better popcan kiss making skill than pretty much anyone.


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