Wow these are sweet! :) Well this post is pretty much for a Em but I like drum's too.If ya'll didn't know purple is Em's favorite color so the first one is her fav.

I like this one the best blue is pretty much my new favorite color.

The red one had a malfunction, ya it is to small...O well.

Schweet...I love the last one
Luv 'em!
yes jerm they are...
very sweet and very very noisy
Noisy is O.K.
They have THE sweetest noise EVER, Abby!
ya noisy is pretty good :P
oh yea
That's true, that's true! lol
Indeed. You always talk. And when we are in my car and I turn the music up, I then have to turn it down to hear you talk.
or tryin to :P
That was a burn.
on your sound system
wow that was pretty funny :D
Not really.
yeah. :)
hey my computer is kinda goin' crazy so I don't know when I will be posting...sorry.
You're not sorry.
yeah she is duh.
I am to sorry, why wouldn't I be?!
O and it is woking now so I will post soon.
of course you're sorry, manda.
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