Well these pictures are from yesterday so we really have a couple more inches of snow than what's in the pictures.Snow is so awesome, I can hardly remember the last time we had snow, or usually if we did get any it wouldn't stick. O and Church was canceled for like the first in forever!
The front/side of the house. Me being very cold, I was out side for like 4 hours. I think I was frozen that way. The front of the house and the dike. Kayla's car just as it was starting to snow. The new barn and the calf domes. Aww Erica and the little black kitten...it has evil eyes I know 8o Megan and her snow man...I don't think she named it.I think all snow men or woman should have names :) Trav and I played Halo 2 last night and beat the all the levels, I played like the first 6 or 7 and Trav played the rest ( I don't remember how many there are in all).It's not hard but my eyes were sore 8O. So that was fun...Travis is so crazy! :D
I am a Christian teen and love being one.
i like: talking, singing, watching movies, playing xbox live, hanging out with friends, going to school is kinda fun, bugging my three older siblings is fun, my birthdate is 9-27-91
Sweet pics, there awesome!:)
We have like 9 inches of snow. It's crazy and it looks so cool!
wow, we have no snow at all...
last time i measuerd we had 8 inches. and it's still snowing.
hey kyle, u dont have any snow yet, coz neither do we...
oh well, we'll probly be getting snow before u anyhow
Manda you look pretty funny in that pic jk.
That's too bad Jerm.
lol thanks Em :D Ya that's Trav's hat and he like doesn't wear it :)
Peter sry I forgot to post them so I will post them later, so just don't bother me about it anymore! ;o
Our practice was cancelled too! That makes me mad.:o
Man, all this talk about snow is getting me hyped!
yay finely the sun came out...I like that picture of you manna ;)
Don't be mad, Mar. Smile! =D
I'm smiling!:) Thanx em.
No prob. =D
You're so cool!:)
lol Abby do you feel left out its ok I will take to you, now you have to smile :D
It's ok abbs you're so cool, also!:)
Whatever yourself.
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